1. Days to graduation = THREE!!!!  three…THREE…3…T-H-R-E-E…3…3…wow…

2. It’s been a heck of a ride I tell you what, a heck of a ride.

3. I’m graduating this Saturday…

4. Exit exam was yesterday, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be (the department chair told me that but I didn’t believe her :S ).  My three favorite and most respected professors gave the exam so that made it both less and more stressful,  ;)

5. Found out last week that I should’ve recieved my grad invites in November when I ordered my cap and gown, so when I went to talk to them I found out that they were currently out so they had to call the company and have them ship some for me (since I had already paid for them) so that I could have them…*sigh*… sorry for anyone who hasn’t gotten one yet it’ll be there.

6. Everybody should watch The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford it is bloody amazing!!!  It’s a slower, quieter film than your average Hollywood blockbuster but it is beautiful and astonishing.  It might help to read the book, it’s by Robert Hansen and although it is a little hard to get through I think it helps to understand the movie a little better.

7. My end of the semester PR group project went amazingly, I think, it was a lot of fun and a very good learning experience.

8. Am. Lit. was…well I don’t like early American Lit but I did like the prof, I’d had him before and I really feel like he challenges me to think and really examine the Lit but that was, for me, the only thing that saved the class.

9. My Org Comm class was alright, I felt like I learned more from my fellow classmates and the case studies than anything else…

10. Lit Crit was awesome from Plato to Nietszche to Freud and Jung, I had a blast studying them.

11. And, finally, my Topics class…while I am not a huge fan of the Western genre of movies and we watched a few that I didn’t like, I did enjoy the class.  Having to analyze the films with the lighting, the cinematography, the framing shots of the camera, the character development and…everything, is just plain fun for me.  :)

12. bleh…………………