Tag Archive: back

1. I love me some Spaghetti Westerns…mm, mm, yessir I do.  Lol!!

2. So I’ve started to practice meditation, you know like the Eastern version – sitting cross-legged in a lotus-type position with my hands resting palms up on my knees and my eyes closed and all sound turned off.  I do it because it helps me relax and de-stress which I really need right now.  Just like practicing Yoga was and believe me if I could I would start up my Yoga practices again but I packed all the stuff I needed for it and my back is screwy so…meditation it is. 

3. So I realized something about myself (to my family and to those who know me well please: contain yourselves) – I like being difficult sometimes, you know raising possible controversies and playing the Devil’s Advocate or suggesting an alternative explanation to something, stuff like that.  Why?  Because it’s kind of fun.

4. If my next few “weeks-in-a-flash” are unfinished or appear half-way done it’s because I’m going to start writing them a little bit in advance and then scheduling them to be published on a certain day at a certain time, therefore it’s not a guarantee that I’ll have them done before they publish…sorry but it’s really the only way to have them up for you guys without interrupting my school work.

5. By the way if any of you experienced snow last Tuesday I’m sorry but it pretty much always snows on my Mom’s b-day because, as she says “God loves me!”  :D  I love her too…even if I don’t love the snow.

6. I don’t understand hate, I’m serious what is the purpose of hating someone or a whole group of people?  And it’s not like I haven’t had people come into my life that others would say “they deserved hate.”  But I really, really don’t get it.  Hate accomplishes nothing…well, nothing good, productive or worthwhile anyway…

7. Ever notice how Sci-Fi shows and movies always use Area 51 as a failsafe?  We discovered this alien technology, it’s kept at Area 51.  We have aliens, they’re at Area 51.  Anything suspicious or alien-like, it’s at Area 51.  It’s a great plot device when you get stuck but only if you are writing a story with a Sci-Fi element  :)  Sorry, I just find it really funny that’s all.

8. I realized the other morning as I was turning the heat up that I have begun to turn the heat down at night……………really??  I don’t “do” that, I love warmth and it’s not like it’s been warm at night (I mean c’mon I live in South Dakota) nonetheless I have been and here’s the kicker I stayed warm, who knew? I bet my parents wish I would’ve done that sort of thing as a kid.  ;)

9. Veteran’s Day was alternatively know around my school as “the random Thursday we have off.”  *chuckle*  Ok, seriously now – this is my thanks to anyone who has or is serving in the Armed Forces, you are amazing.

10. Bolthouse Farms’ drink Vanilla Chai Tea is like the Elixir of Life.  Seriously it’s delicious and no matter how upset my stomach is I take one drink and it’s like “aaaahhhhh” better now!  :)

11. Why am I seeing so many Christmas-themed and Christmas-focused commercials already?  We’re not even past Thanksgiving yet, sheesh…

12. http://lightofdawn.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/10-reasons-why-gay-marriage-is-wrong/  —  I think this is a pretty good rebuttal to some of the arguments I’ve heard against gay marriage.  Feel free to take your shots at me.

13. Days to graduation = 22

w/ weekends and holidays =32

w/o holidays =28

14. Days to Thanksgiving break = 9

15. Had to get a new computer, it’s not really a happy thing, the old one caught a virus and I needed a computer NOW for my schoolwork, so it got replaced…*sigh* it’s very sad  :(  :(  :(  RIP Saskia (the old computer (yes I named it)).

Back baby!!!

I’m baaack.  How exciting is that?  Finally summer has ended, finally I’ve started classes again, finally I’ve gotten all the way unpacked and things are mostly organized, finally, finally, finally I’m going to be posting regularly again.  I know I kind of fell of the map there for a while but this summer was just kind of a lazy summer for me at least so far as my writing went.  But now classes have started and I have this reserve of energy that comes from feeling like I’m finally Doing something.  So yeah.  School technically started yesterday but classes didn’t start until today.  wierd right?  Anyway yesterday was a fun day, I got interviewed by a local TV station about this system my school has started.  It’s a campus alert security system and basically what it is, is this e-mail notification system that let’s you know if school’s been shut down due to weather, natural disaster or a tragedy along the lines of Virginia Tech.  And of course I was asked the inevitable question about Virginia Tech, blech!  Don’t get me wrong I think what happened at Virginia Tech was a horrible, horrible thing and I’m all for anything that will prevent another tragedy of that magnitude but c’mon!!!  I know it’s kind of strange but I guess I just feel like after a while the more and more and more and more media covers that kind of thing people become desensitized and they shouldn’t.  It’s horrible, it’s sad and it’s, unfortanetly, a defining tragedy of our lives but enough is enough.  I felt the same way about 9/11.  When I sat and watched the second plane smash into the second tower I was sobbing.  When they played it a second time, I cried.  When they played it a third time, the tears were lessened.  By the time they got around to playing it a seventh time I no longer cared.  And that terrified me so I turned the news off and didn’t watch any more footage of the planes smashing into the Towers until 2005.  And seeing any footage of that day now still drives me to tears, but I see people around me who, not only do they not care, they poke fun!!   Yeah no joke.  I have a Facebook account and there was this group, I don’t even remember the name now, but someone had photoshopped a picture of Godzilla tearing down the Towers, and people thought it was funny!!!!!!!!!!!!  How sick is that?  All of which brings me back to my original point, I’m tired of hearing about Virgina Tech.  No offense to the people who go to school there or have to live with the memories but I want the horror I felt to remain as fresh as the day I heard about V-Tech and I don’t want to have to see people begin to make fun of something so tragic because the media seems to think that the more they run over this dead cat the flatter it’ll get.  And another thing when you desensitize people to something as horrific as that, the next time it happens nobody’s going to care.

And that, my friends, is a most terrifying and nightmare-inducing possibility.