Tag Archive: discussion

1. Guess what?  I get to leave for Colorado tomorrow for Thanksgiving break!!!  Yaaaa!!!  Four whole days and one half-day in the great state of CO!!!!!  I get to see my parentals, my Uncle and his fam, my cat and the new Harry Potter movie!!  So excited!!!!!!!  Yaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. This is from my PR book in the chapter about  writing ~ “Writing is easy,” said U.S. journalist and playwright Gene Fowler. “All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.”  (and a little later)  Nobel Prize-winning novelist Ernest Hemingway declared, “Writing is easy.  Just open a vein and bleed on paper.”  ~ I laughed at both of those quotations  :D

3. I thought my mom would enjoy this one – this is from my Twitter feed there was this little movement the other day where people would tweet something that they would have told their 16-yr-old self and this one came from someone who posts as Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter ~ Lord_Voldemort7 #tweetyour16yearoldself Choose Neville Longbottom! Choose Neville Longbottom!

4. I’ve been watching waaaaaay too many Westerns, the other night I dreamt that I was part of a cattle drive (the cattle were owned by my dad) and that I trained my own horse (she was beautiful though, I liked that part of it).  Wow.

5. I looked out my peephole the other morning and it took me a few minutes to realize that what I was seeing wasn’t the sun shining brightly but was in fact bright, white snow on the ground…damn snow (and winter) has arrived in SoDak.  That wasn’t so bad though because it was a light snowfall and was mostly gone by nightfall.  I’m hoping that any blizzard-type weather waits until I’m not living in the state anymore…

6. You know I might have been able to handle living away from the mountains of CO and farther away from family if it weren’t for the damn wind in this state, it’s unbelievable!

7. Days to graduation = 17

w/ weekends and holidays = 25

w/o holidays = 21, by the next week-in-a-flash this one won’t be necessary because the number will be the same as w/ weekends and holidays…hmmm…

8. Bored, excited, stressed, tired…I am so eager to just be done already.

9. I wonder if, sometimes, my strong reactions to things and my passions come off as bitchiness…*sigh* why is it so hard to talk to people about hot button issues without it dissolving into an argument?  I just don’t understand, I mean I understand being passionate about an issue and wanting to convey to people the reason for that passion but that doesn’t mean you have to dismiss someonelse’s viewpoint, does it?  That’s what I don’t understand, I don’t understand being so locked into an opinion that anytime someone raises an opposing view you are unable to proceed in the discussion and remain polite…I try, I really try to remain open-minded while still retaining my views and beliefs and I try to give other people’s views and opinions a fair shake but I also like, adore engaging in discussion and debate. I like it when people disagree with me, I like it when someone has a different point of view but dammit I don’t like it when people are so set in their ways and so locked in the status quo that they dismiss me out of hand.  I just wish that I could find a way to engage in discussion and debate with others that doesn’t end in an argument…that’s all.

10. The song and the video brought me to tears, so beautiful!

11. This was too awesome not to share, read and enjoy! http://thenoreaster.wordpress.com/2010/11/18/sunbeams-12/

12. I have a professor who can’t remember my name in class but when I pass this professor in the hallways they call me by name and say hi..wierd, maybe there’s some sort of memory vortex in the classroom…

13. Yesterday I looked outside and it was…well, I guess it depends on how much you like snow, it was either a winter wonderland or an arctic tundra.  I prefer arctic tundra.  (btw #5 happened either Wednesday or Thursday of last week, completely unrelated).

1. Check out LP’s new music video for their song “Waiting for the End;” the best line from this song is – “The hardest part of ending is starting again”

2. My favorite songs off of Linkin Park’s new album so far are “Wretches and Kings” and “Burning in the Skies”…so cool.

3. So my nails this week are fake nails that are black with little pink bows on them.  Last week they were nekkid  O_o

4. Laundromats are kind of depressing.

5. Man last week and this week and next week are killer, it’s like *BAM* here’s an exam, *BAM* and another one, *BAM* paper due, *BAM* let’s add two more papers, *BAM* group project, *BAM* club trip (which I’m actually very excited about), and hey while we’re at it *BAM* why not throw in a little insomnia…yeah ’cause that’s always fun…

6. I keep seeing previews for that new show with Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen Parker and everytime I see it I think the same thing — the art of discussion is dead.  Everyone who sees the previews for that show and probably even the show’s creators who picked Spitzer and Parker know and actually expect that it will be one giant shouting match.  People no longer know how to disagree with someone without denigrating them.  You don’t have to like someone to be able to agree with them and (conversely) you don’t have to dislike someone in order to disagree with them.  Look it’s very simple – it’s just like the rules you’ll find over at my parent’s blog (Topics of Conversation) under their first post – don’t yell, you can disagree but be respectful about it and Dammit stop tearing others apart just because you don’t agree with them.

7. I’ve been thinking about this for a few days.  A good thing the Internet has provided – anonymity.  A bad thing the Internet has provided – anonymity.  Wait…how can that be both a good thing and a bad thing you ask?  Well because it allows people to say things they might not normally say which is -again- both good and bad.  Anonymity is good because it can act as an outlet for confession.  Good because it provides a community to people who might not otherwise have that opportunity and it connects us to worlds and experiences we wouldn’t get otherwise.  Anonymity is bad because it does allow people to act and speak in ways that, in person, they would never dream of doing.  Bad because that mask of anonymity allows a certain amount of the population to act like assholes – they think that because they are anonymous it no longer matters how they act, they think it won’t cause any damage to them or the recipient… Yes, I included them in the “damage zone” because an act like that does cause harm to both parties.  The perpetrating party may not realize it but it slowly eats away a person’s humanity and…well…that sounds damaging to me.

8. I’ve only been on Twitter for a week and already I’m obssessed…

9. Days to graduation = 46

10. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really hate Wi-Fi

11. This is from Mat Kearney’s Twitter and I wanted to share it because I thought it was beautiful ~ “The stories that are too personally vulnerable to write are the ones that must be told.”

12. So we watched Howard Hawks’ Red River last week for my Topics class, this was Montgomery Clift’s debut role and wow! that man was fine (Yes I know that he was gay (or maybe bisexual)…whatever) and here’s my proof: