Tag Archive: interesting

1. Days to graduation = 70, that doesn’t include weekends and holidays (graduation is December 18th in case you wanted to know)

2. I really do think the first couple of days of classes are useless, it’s all “let’s go over the syllabus, the semester schedule and introduce ourselves…and then we’ll see you later.”  It feels so pointless especially because I know most of the people I’m in class with by now.

3. I got to learn about the Puritans this week, it was interesting.  There were some things that I found out that I didn’t know before about them and I was surprised…and saddened.  These people are our Founding Fathers, they were the original founders.  Unfortunately I was wrong several years back when I stated that our nation was founded on the principle of freedom of religion, the Puritans came to America because they believed that the Church of England wasn’t strict enough.  By forcing people to join they muddied the waters.  The Puritans didn’t want to be associated with lukewarm believers (you know “Sunday” believers) and they didn’t want to be associated with non-believers so they fled to America in order to set up their own stricter church.  As long as you were part of them life was good but if you were on the outside…well…life wasn’t as good.  *sigh* you’d think that things would’ve changed by now…

4. I’m still adjusting to the idea that a motel room is ‘home’ and not just a weekend layover…having those pics of young Elvis helps :D

5. So last week I made myself some coffee, I put enough water in for four cups, enough grounds for a whole pot and drank it all in a cup and a half…not good, not good at all.  I really don’t like a caffeine rush like that.  So I tried again, put enough water in for a whole pot, same amount of grounds and took two days to drink it, much better.  And now I’ve made at least two more pots of coffee…I really like coffee.

6. I watched a marathon of Stephen King films on SyFy this weekend.  It was odd.  There was the expected terror, sex, fear, psuedo-religion, good=evil and evil=good dichotomy and bad parents.  But there was some unexpected joy, uplifting faith, good=good and evil=evil, non-condescending portrayals of faithful people and martyrs, good people, community and not as much gore and monster’s-under-the-bed sort of thing.  It was wierd.

7. I watched a Silent film for my Topics class, it was a Silent Western and it was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be.  The facial work they did was amazing.  And yes, it was a bit overacted but they didn’t have sound and they didn’t have a lot of room for panels that gave you the dialogue so they had to be a bit overdramatic but it wasn’t as bad as I expected.

8. Yes, you are going to get some schooling over the next 70 days because that’s what I’m doing with my life right now so it’s on my mind so I intend to share it with you.  It should be interesting.

9. I might have to start a Twitter account for my Public Relations class…I’m not excited about it because I don’t really see the point for a couple of reasons, I don’t have the capability of updating from my phone and I’m not a public figure.  But I have to learn how to do that if I’m going to be in PR because it’s the age of technology and social media and if I don’t learn how to handle it I am no longer marketable in the workforce I want to be in.  Twitter here I come…

10. In my Organizational Communication class we are discussing how globalization affected American business.  And I kept thinking about how people are so freaked out and upset by globalization and how it seems pretty useless to be that way, because as soon as the internet gave someone like me the ability to talk to someone on the other side of the world – we became global.  It seems inevitable to me – we are no longer an isolated peoples or nation and now we have to learn how to operate in this world.

11. So, because I will be talking about my classes for the next 70 days (are you tired of the countdown yet? Lol!) I figured I’d let you know what I’m taking for my last semester of college:

   MWF – Literary Criticism (Lit Crit)

   T – American Literature (Am Lit), Organizational Communication (Org Comm), Public Relations (PR) & Topics: Film, The Western (Topics)

   Th – Am Lit, Org Comm & PR

Yeah when I said that Tuesday was madness I wasn’t kidding, my day starts at 9:30 AM and ends at 7 PM; my other days aren’t so bad.

12. I’ve got fake nails on this week.  I figure since I’m not working and once I get a job it’ll be a while before I can be bold with my nail color again than I’m going to have fun with it now…hence the black nails last week and the fake nails with a plaid pattern on the top part of the nail this week – very unprofessional and very cool  ;)  Yes I am in fact a 23-year-old.