Tag Archive: honda

1. I know I put up a post just a few days ago that I wouldn’t be doing week-in-a-flash but by my count that would’ve been for the week of the 20th to the 27th so this counts for that week plus the 28th through the 1st (today).  So if you look it really has been two weeks since I last did week-in-a-flash, hence “week 10”.  The next one will be around the 8th.

2. I am officially done with my summer class (which has corrupted me with AP style writing, don’t know what that is?  Just pick up your newspaper and you’ll get an example) and got a paper from a past class turned in so I can get that ‘incomplete’ taken off my transcript.  Joy!

3. So I didn’t sleep all day today (Sunday) but I slept most of the day and it was nice considering this is really the last weekend for a while that I’ll have to do nothing.  (For those of you for whom this might not make sense, it pertains to a post I made on my Facebook last night saying “I think I’ll sleep all day tomorrow…”)

4. I finish up my internship the end of this week…sad :(

5. So then next week I start packing and cleaning my apt and looking for a new one…yes I am moving but it’s back to the town that my college is actually in so I don’t have to try and commute 40 miles through winter conditions for my last semester of school

6. Whoa!  Next semester is my last semester of school…wow…

7. It was so freaking hot here yesterday that even though I had the A/C cranked all day I still must have drank 10 or 12 glasses of water, unbelievable!

8. Hey it’s August, wow my summer has flown by, how about you guys?  Has it felt like these past few months just vanished?

9. So the past few days I’ve turned my TV off, for no reason really I just decided that I didn’t want the noise of it…which is odd because it usually doesn’t bother me but it’s been nice

10. How is it that you can be having a great day with conversations with some of the nicest people in the world and you get that one phone call from some throwback who calls you stupid and your whole day is ruined?.

11. Went for a walk in the park located a few blocks from my house the other day, just because I wanted to.  It was very relaxing but I was kind of saddened by the fact that I’ve lived a few blocks away from this park for three years and this is the first time I’ve gone down there when there hasn’t been some event going on. 

12. I met my parents last weekend to trade vehicles so my dad could get Jack the Jeep looked at and fixed (if need be) so I’m driving my Honda Baby again and after a week I’ve decided – I miss my Jeep.  :(

13. School starts at the end of the month, woohoo!

14. I have a confession to make – I am a packrat (probably one of the numerous reasons I hate moving).

1. I watched two awesome movies this week.  One was awesomely good (btw if you ever want to hear Kate Hudson sing, rent Nine, it rocks!) and the other was awesomely bad, I knew it would be that’s why I rented it. :D

2. Have you ever had moments when you felt wise beyond your years and then had moments where you felt extremely immature?

3. A few years back I started doing this thing where I say to myself “I love my life, I love my life, I love my life,” I started doing it because I noticed than as soon as I started focusing on how everything was going wrong it was easy to fall into a depressive, dark way of thinking where I would start saying things to myself like “I hate my life” and other such things that I won’t deign to put in print ’cause they don’t belong in my head.  I don’t say “I love my life, I love my life, I love my life” to try to erase anything that might be going wrong or anything that’s hurtful to me or to convince myself that things will get better; it’s just a way to remind myself that I’ve got a reason to live and that HE’s always with me.  Sooo…I love my life, I love my life, I love my life.

4. My bro may disown me for saying this but the Twilight saga has got some great characters…too bad they are stuck in one of the worst stories ever written.

5. With regards to a week two comment I made about people, I also want to say that people can also be amazingly compassionate and just plain nice.

6. My summer class starts in a few weeks.  I’m a little nervous.

7.Would you hate me if I said that I actually like Tim Burton’s adaptation of Alice in Wonderland and absolutely hate the book?

8. Two of the best sounds in my world at the moment – the crack of thunder, just the way it rumbles and rolls across the sky and how everything trembles and shakes when it’s really loud – in my opinion there is nothing more breathtaking, terrifying and beautiful all at the same time, love it!  And the sound Jack (my Jeep) makes when it accelerates, the raw horsepower and the strength is thrilling.  Granted Jack doesn’t corner like it’s in the Indy 500 the way Baby (my Honda) did but I love ‘im anyway.  (Yes I name my cars, get over it :D)

9. Happy Father’s Day mi padre! (and all the other wonderful fathers out there)

10. Even though you are underway right now and probably won’t see this for a few more weeks, Hippo Birdies bro!!