Tag Archive: jeep

Hello to all of my non-readers (does anyone still come here?).  Anyway, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but it’s been a while since I’ve wanted to say anything about anything.  I’ve read some articles over the past few months that get my blood boiling and I consider writing something about it but then it’s like, what can I say that everybody else hasn’t already said?  And besides it felt like it took a lot of energy to put my thoughts down and, I don’t know, I just didn’t feel like posting anything that would cause an argument or debate because then that would mean that I needed to respond and I didn’t feel like I could.  I gave up before there was any fight, that’s all.  And I didn’t want to write about what I was feeling because I was working very hard to try and ignore it (hey guess what, that doesn’t actually work…at all!).  Needless to say it’s been a rough year.  It’s been a year and two-and-a-half months since I had a job (*sigh* and here I thought having a college degree would help…stupid economy) and I’ve been living with my parents, not a bad thing in and of itself but add that to all the other stresses (you know, no job, no money, continual rejection after interviews, getting my hopes up only to keep getting crushed, and having my cat get injured twice, along with a not-working-quite-the-right-way Jeep and a broken computer, add to that having about 98% of my belongings in boxes out in the barn and my brother unreachable for most of the year (thank you Navy!) and that should give you a rough idea of my year) and it’s been…well, a nightmare.  Granted it could’ve been worse, I could’ve gotten sick (only one little cold at the beginning of the year and that’s been it, miraculous considering my penchant for getting sick, thank you God), I could still be out of a job, I could’ve been bored silly and reduced to talking to the dogs and my cat like they were people…oh wait…er…never mind…. ;) , uh…my parents could’ve kicked me out (I’m lucky they didn’t, I haven’t exactly been great to be around what with the depression and anger and all), the roof of the house could’ve caved in…my car could’ve gotten stolen…oh hell, any number of things could’ve happened that would have made this year even more terrible, that’s not the point.  The point is…the point is…it hasn’t been a cakewalk, but I’m still here and, bonus, I have retained a sense of humor.  Oh yeah, and I finally have a job, yaaay for the holiday season retail store hiring spree!  Everybody now, Hip-Hip-HOORAY, Hip-Hip-HOORAY, Hip-Hip-HOORAY!!!

And I leave you with a song, hope it gets stuck in your head.

P.S. only 36 days until Christmas!!  Not that I’m excited about it or anything  :D

1. Happy late Thanksgiving all!  Did you have a fun day?

2. I have some fun stories from my visit with my family and, lucky you, you guys get to hear them (don’t worry they aren’t offensive or embarrassing, at least that’s my opinion :D ).

3. My mom hates Tiny Tim!!  At least, she hates the Tiny Tim from the George C. Scott version of a Christmas Carol…lol!!

4. I got to see my cat!  And love on her!  Gosh I missed her but it’ll only be a few weeks before I’m home for good.

5. Had Thanksgiving dinner with my Uncle and his fam, man my cousins make some damn good turkey!  Thanks guys, as always it was a blast!

6. Went to see Harry Potter with the parents; me and my mom cried (of course), but we had a good time and it was a great movie.  Sucks that we have to wait until July for the next one, ergh!

7. Classes were cancelled yesterday due to inclement weather, it’s a good thing that I drove back Sunday instead of waiting.  But I got an extra unexpected day off which was nice.

8. Days to graduation = 14

w/weekends (this normally would be “& holidays” except there are no more holidays between now and graduation) = 18

9. Holy Toledo I have a lot to do between now and graduation…

10. Just got finished reading the book that Clint Eastwood’s Outlaw Josey Wales is based on, it’s good and really close to the movie, I was surprised.

11. Right on schedule, the first thing me and my parents did on Friday (the Day after Thanksgiving) was put up Christmas decorations.  And mom kindly woke me up with Christmas music…*sigh* the Christmas season has officially begun.  :)

12. Speaking of Thanksgiving I was going to do this on Thanksgiving day but I was busy hanging with the fam so…these are a few things I am thankful for (there is no particular order here) –

– my cat

– my parents and brother

– not having to work Black Friday

– my Uncle and his fam

– my Grammie

– for being this close to graduating college

– my Jeep

– my health (but not for the stress I have right now *sigh* working on that)

– my life

– my God

– Jesus

– His love

– my friends

– my blog and all that it has brought

– my new computer

– you